
Quick Overview

East African countries of Tanzania, Kenya & Madagascar are the biggest producers of Sisal in the world.
Sisal is exported as raw materials for many uses, amongst them rope making, carpets, clothes and more.

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Sisal Exporter Africa

Sisal is a super strong and highly sustainable fiber crop that grows in the tropics. It can be processed into a wide range of textiles and materials. The biggest producers of Sisal in the world are East African countries such as Tanzania, Brazil, Kenya, and Madagascar.

The textile made out of sisal is known as geotextiles and is much more sustainable in their production and are biodegradable.

The Sisal plants are grown for many years and the leaves are harvested by hand when they reach around 1m long. The strong sisal fibers are extracted from the plant’s long, green leaves by a process known as decortication. The leftover parts of the plants are used as animal feed, bioenergy, and fertilizer.

The sisal plants are grown organically and absorb large quantities of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere all year round. They also have a very low water requirement and survive droughts that kill other crops. For this reason, farmers are being encouraged to grow them as a way to cope with climate change. The fact that the sisal leaves can be harvested at any time of year is also good for the farmers’ cash flow. After decortication, the sisal fiber is hung up to sundry.

Sisal fiber and fabrics made from it are extremely strong, saltwater resistant, and when placed in the ground degrade in two to three years.

We source sisal fiber at a fair price directly from small-scale farmers and women’s groups in East Africa to trade their way out of poverty.

Contact us for more details!!